How Can a Feet Owner Get Paid Faster from Customers? - Truck Dispatcher Training

How Can a Feet Owner Get Paid Faster from Customers?

The key to getting paid quickly by customers is, of course, a detailed invoice. It should list all the services with a description and their cost. You can learn more about how to draw up an invoice from our article.

Many fleet owners use special accounting programs to generate invoices. And there is nothing wrong with this. Even on the contrary. However, you should remember that almost all such services, including paid ones, have limited functionality.

Next, we’ll talk about what should be specified in the invoice. As practice shows, these elements greatly speed up the payment of bills from customers.

Letterhead or company logo

It makes your bill look more presentable. Also, the letterhead or logo is proof that the bill is from your trucking company. Make sure the name of the document “invoice” is in the most prominent place.


This refers to the name, address, phone number and other pertinent contact information for you and your customer. Write the name and phone number of the contact person at the customer’s company. And be sure to verify that the payment processing is the responsibility of that person.

Account number

This is the basis on which the accounting records are maintained. The moment the client transfers the money, ask him to send you the account number. That way it will be much easier for you to work with the invoices.

Billing date and due date

From this data, the client understands how much time they have to transfer the funds.

Description of services

Do not abandon the description of your services under any circumstances. This way you will increase your client’s loyalty. Agree that it is much more pleasant to pay for something you understand. Try not to use either industry-specific or common abbreviations.

Cost of services

Like the description of services, their cost should be explained as clearly as possible. Include everything that is important: the amount of sales tax, the amount of the discount, etc.

Total invoice amount

This should be placed at the bottom of the bill, but so that this figure stands out from everything else.

Methods of payment

Ideally, there should be more than one. In addition to the methods of payment, the invoice should include the payment terms and bank account details of your trucking company.

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