Truck driver as the face of your company | Truck Driver Selection! - Truck Dispatcher Training

Truck driver as the face of your company | Truck Driver Selection!

Driver’s selection

The process of hiring a driver is very important. Sometimes you forget some things, which you have to check when you hire a driver. A driver is a responsible job. If you have a bad driver in your company, you will have big problems. For example, a bad driver can be drunk at the wheel or bring a company heavy fines and penalties, tragic accidents, and costly lawsuits. So there are things that you should review:

What competencies does a good driver have?

First of all of course you have to be sure of the driver’s extensive experience without accidents, knowledge of the traffic laws and observe traffic rules. Then you have to review past work records (to screen out those with unexplained gaps or candidates that appear to be “job hoppers”).

Why is it necessary to test potential drivers?

If you test them it will help ensure you are selecting reliable and skilled candidates qualified to operate your vehicles on behalf of your organization.

Who must be tested? 

All drivers must be testing for controlled substances and a road test and bring a medical certificate. Now companies start hiring drivers with the help of testing. It helps to define the psychomotor reactions, the acuity of the driver’s day and night vision is determined, coordination of movements, the ability of the driver to visually determine the speed of the car, as well as the distance to it, and much more.

When personal qualities are important?

Driver must be responsible, neat (in order to keep clean and tidy your transport), polite, reliable, have quick reaction (in case of unforeseen circumstances on the road), come always on time. You have to be sure of this person and always know that no matter what happens, no one will say that they fell ill, drank, didn’t have time, or didn’t know the route. 

How to be sure that a driver hasn’t had problems in the past?

First, you must check the driver’s MVR during the preceding three years. There you can find information about accidents, violation and driving under the influence convictions, note any driving restrictions, such as corrective lenses, no nighttime driving, etc. Next, you submit a request to previous employers about the driver’s safety history and don’t forget to check that driver does not have major violations or at-fault accident  in the last three years.

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-Truck Driver Selection

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