» Intermodal dispatcher

Intermodal dispatcher

Everyday more and more people are getting interested in the profession of an Intermodal dispatcher. Our managers receive calls, and answer the most popular questions. We’ve been inspired with that sincere curiosity, and decided to raise this theme here! Read it right now!

The first logical question that comes on people’s mind is how they can become intermodal specialists, and whether they need any specific education for that. The requirements of becoming an intermodal dispatcher are a high school diploma together with basic computer skills. Being in the intermodal sphere differs much from typical transportation one. 

A dispatcher here has to coordinate the schedule of a shipping company or a group of drivers. By the way,a professional ensures that the data has to be related to deliveries and shipments of freight which are entered into a log. Shipments and deliveries have to be assigned to drivers, you will need to inform them when there is any change in a schedule. One more duty is to communicate with shipping depots, just to make sure everything is going to be on time. 

One more question that confuses our clients is what makes this type of dispatcher’s work a little more complicated? You must be aware of both export and import transportation procedures, when the chassis should be returned, and basic knowledge of how steamship lanes work. 

If you are into this sphere contact us and let’s become experts!

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